It's a sugary drink kinda day. I don't know why, but some days you just crave a nice soda. Now, here in the south, every soda is a Coke. If Somebody yells from the other room, "You want a Coke?" The proper response is, "yeah, whatcha got?" Doesn't matter if it's a Sprite, Mt. Dew, Dr. Pepper, or whatever, it's a Coke. It's like the southern equivalent to Kleenex. That's how I grew up asking for soda and I'm sure it's not going to change anytime soon. I think it's funny hearing people from the midwest call it "pop". I had a former co-worker who called it pop and I thought it was one of the weirdest/funniest thing. I'm sure he thought it was weird we called everything Coke. To me it's Coke and it will always stay that way. Still, It's interesting how different regions call things by different names.
People are passionate about their sodas. There are die-hard Coke fans and there are die-hard Pepsi fans. Die-hard Sprite fans and die-hard 7-Up fans. The list goes on and on really. People have to have their morning soda or they can't function. Some will only drink diet even though they are drinking it with a double cheeseburger. I've even had a friend search and search for his favorite soda and now he keeps a secret stash for only special occasions. Plus, he's the only one who can have any. No sharing allowed. I think he would travel far and wide if he found them again. I feel like I've got to have a Coke every time I eat popcorn. It's the perfect combination to me, especially at the movies. And when we're feeling a little drowsy and coffee isn't an option, we reach for a soda. I'm sure we all have our little soda quirks. Why not today go grab yourself a soda and just hangout. It is Saturday after all and while you're at it check out this Buzzfeed article about weird soda facts here.
P.S. To all you health conscious people out there, live a little. One soda never killed anyone.