Today is laundry day. I know what you're thinking, what an exciting post. You would be right, but I set out to create 30 objects from everyday life so I had to add laundry. Why? Well, because we all have to do it at some point and somewhere in this 30 days of objects I was going to have to myself. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it. It also doesn't help that it's Monday and I can think of about 100 other things I'd rather do. The fact still remains, unless you plan on buying clothes for every day of your life you're going to have to wash them at some point. I just wish someone would invent a machine to where I only had to load them in the washer and then some how they get washed, dried, and folded all in one. I'm going to be honest and say I don't really mind moving clothes from the washer to the dryer, but I hate, and I mean hate, folding clothes. It's such a drag and inevitably when you get to the socks, there's not going to be a match. Either the washer or dryer ate a sock as a sacrifice for having to do the dirty work. It never fails.
Now yes, doing laundry with an actual washer and dryer IS a first world problem. I think we should all feel blessed we get to actually wash our clothes this way. I've seen first-hand women in Third World countries who have to wash their clothes in a river on a rock. They don't complain like we do. They do it because they have to. I think there's an important lesson here, even with something as small as laundry. Even on this Monday, as we get back to the grind of the work week and we have to do laundry, let's not forget just how blessed we really are in this life we live.
Man, this post took a turn I wasn't expecting it to take. I guess when life hands you lemons, you do laundry. And you remember sometimes it's the little things in life that show you just how thankful we should all really be.
P.S. to all you hippies not doing laundry because that's not environmentally friendly, yeah well, I live in your environment and you smell bad.